Mobile Application and Curriculum Development

Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance EMEA Advisory Council started a research project called “Mobile Application and Curriculum Development for Business Process Management with Microsoft Dynamics Softwares”.

The basic goals of this research project are:

  • to identify new ways for Business Process Management with the use of mobile devices and Ms Dynamics Products (the mainly managerial research part of the project recommended for students or experts of Economics, Management, Leadership, etc.) ,
  • designing and coding applications for mobile devices (the mainly technical research part of the project recommended for students or experts of Informatics).

The outcome of the project is a scientific and practical curriculum, which can be found on this website. The content consists of explanations, demo images and C# code solutions. The heart of project is the learning material development, but the extended project is the use and the evaluation of this material. 

The extended project is open for both managerial and technical participants, and it is basically for anyone who shares our aims and wants to contribute. The authors would like to receive notes about its usefulness, suggestions to prove it and for sharing experiences. Please, use the “Forum of the Readers” menu item for comments!

We would like to reach as many students, tutors, experts as possible, in order to build an international research team or teams in different universities or other institutions, firms, …

The aims of the extended project:

  • maintaining and promoting scientific and professional communication among enthusiastic students, teachers, researchers, experts and practitioners,
  • understanding and managing Business Processes with mobile devices, 
  • designing and coding applications for mobile devices, 
  • creating modern electronic learning materials with the participation of an international instructor team,
  • involving students and instructors from universities worldwide to the world of Microsoft,
  • encourage the involving participants to publish their result as a study in scientific journals (e.g.: Journal of Integrated Enterprise Systems), or a presentation at ICT Conferences (e.g.: MsDynAA Preconference at Microsoft Convergence, Ms Build Developer Conference, Ms Partner Conference, Xamarin Evolve Conference, workshops at Microsoft Innovation Centers), 
  • contribution to the curriculum and best practices knowledge base of Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance enterprise portal platform and Yammer information sharing service,
  • encourage the involving participants to sell their app at software stores.

Forums for communication and for the common work:

  • the “Forum of the Readers” webpage at this site
  • email accounts of the authors:, rgyorodi_
  • LinkedIn accounts of the authors:, rgyorodi_ 
  • Twitter: @StarCoder1,
  • for members of MIcrosoft Dynamics Academic Alliance : a Yammer group (with the name of this project),
  • occasional discussions either online (Skype video conference) either personally, 
  • student and teacher mobility and exchange programs (e.g.: Erasmus).

© Dr. Simon Sandor 2018