
Chapter 1: Business Process Management with ERP

Theoretical Background

Process No. 1: “Sales Order Processing”

Process No. 2: “Sales Analysis”

Chapter 2: Bibliography for Graphical User Interface Design

Chapter 3: Preparing Dynamics for Development

Chapter 4: Interfaces for Connecting to Dyanamics


Chapter 5: Publishing Web Services


Chapter 6: Bibliography for Using C#, .NET, Database and Ms Dynamics programming

Chapter 7: Bibliography for Cross-platform .NET Graphical User Interface Development

Chapter 8: The Visual Mock-ups of the Mobile Applications

Process No. 1: “Sales Order Processing”

Process No. 2: “Sales Analysis”

Chapter 9: The Code Solutions of the Mobile Applications

A code solution made by a student of University of Oradea

Process No. 1: “Sales Order Processing”

Process No. 2: “Sales Analysis”

© Dr. Simon Sandor 2018